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2020 Performance Dates

For upcoming performances, check out the Hermosa Beach Comedy & Magic Club lineup

Play with Pain: Chet Waterhouse

Chet Welcomes The Men of Carolla

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Who knows the Super Bowl better than the Carolla Digital boys? Well, Chet discovers it’s probably lots of people!

1/29/20 - 25 Minutes

Payman Benz the Sequel!

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Comedy director Payman Benz plots the Clippers’ course to Nirvana and takes Chet along for the ride!

1/22/20 - 44 Minutes

The Exciting Conclusion of The Non-Sled Sledding Championships!

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Chet calls all the action from Ronkonkoma, NY, as crazy people bolt down a snowy hill in anything but a sled, including sheet cake and a stolen Nativity manger! Chet’s joined by Taft Hartley and 4-time Non-Sled champ PJ Bottoms!

1/1/20 - 21 Minutes

Recent Riffs


The incredible Eric Roberts talks up his new project "La Reina del Sur" and causes the first-ever Chet spit take, how's THAT for comedy chops? 

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Great actor/comedian Kevin Pollak (from “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” which has won everything but the Heisman) joins Chet on the Feb. 6, 2019 “Play With Pain!” and gives an impassioned Super Bowl halftime speech to the bumbling LA Rams… as Albert Brooks.

Gotta hear it to believe it. Also, the shortest, and best Pop Quiz EVER.

Jeff Cesario 2022

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